Model United Nations
"Together we aspire, together we achieve"
Our 34th Year
Rider NMUN 2001Team

Self-Evaluation of the 2001 NMUN Experience

Nehal Mehta
Second year
ECOSOC Plenary

1. In comparison with other 3-credit courses, how much effort did the NMUN participation require of you?

NMUN participation requires a greater effort in comparison with other 3-credit courses, yet at the same time, more is learned than any other 3-credit course.  Although we meet every week, NMUN is a class in which constant research is needed to keep up with both committee topics, and weekly topics.  This research is crucial to NMUN, and is more demanding than in other 3-credit courses.
2. For second-or third-year members only: Do you think that NMUN credits ought to be limited to a maximum of 2 years of participation?  
As a second year member I don’t feel that NUMN ought to be limited to a max of 2 years of participation, since each year is proved to be in itself a unique experience.
3. What academic benefits did you derive from participating in the 2001 NMUN? If you are a second-year member, what did you learn this year that you did not learn last year?
  Although last year I learned public speaking skills, this year my mastery of public speaking went beyond what I thought was possible.  Last year, I prepared my speech ahead of time and rehearsed it quite a bit.  This year I didn’t really need to do that, I was able to gather my thoughts easily and deliver the speech in less time, yet effectively.
4. What non-academic benefits did you derive from participating in the 2001 NMUN? If you are a second-year member, what did you learn this year that you did not learn last year?
  Last year being a first year member, I was interested in hearing what others had to say about NMUN; I looked up to returning members for advice.  This year I was the advisor of new members.  I learned the importance of mentoring new members of the team, which required that I check myself constantly to make sure that the information I was providing was accurate.  Whereas last year I took the back seat, this year I was the driver.  Although I was not a team leader, I gained a lot of leadership skills this year.  In committee I was the senior member and was expected to guide my partner, thus utilizing leadership skills I learned over the semester.

Overall evaluation of the 2001 NMUN experience

The 2001 NMUN experience has once more proven to be self-enriching.  No other course has had the ability to improve me on so many levels.  By encouraging me to take a more active role in my own learning, and by limiting the role of the professor, I gained a sense of pride, and realized that the NMUN experience is more than just a grade.  No other course has had the ability to teach me leadership, communication, research, public speaking, group dynamics, and many other skills, all in the time period of a semester. 
Self-Evaluation index

Faculty Adviser: Dr. Chau T. Phan, 896-5262,
Updated 30 April 2001