Rider Model United Nations
Alumni Association
"Together we aspire, together we achieve"
Webmaster: Dr. Chau T. Phan
(to be revised in August 2017)

Program Director and Faculty Advisor

Credit granting
(to be revised in August 2017)
The Rider Model U.N. Experience
(to be revised in August 2017)
NMUN has been the only continuous academic competition since 1968 pitting Rider students against peers (and graduate and law school students) from throughout the USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, and other countries of Europe. From such encounters, Rider NMUNers went away with the conviction that they could compete quite well against anyone from any institution. Evaluations of NMUN at Rider have been notable for the near unanimity by participants that Model UN was the single most meaningful learning experience they had encountered at Rider. This consensus was shared by honors scholars and average students, Political Science majors and other majors alike. NMUN remained over the years the most unique academic-cum-social learning experience for self-motivating Rider students.

(to be revised in August 2017)

Rider NMUN Teams have received awards in 18 years out of the 34 years of participation, including two "Best Delegation" and four "Outstanding Delegation" Awards. In 2000, The Rider won a "Distinguished Delegation" award, and in 2002 a "Honorable Mention" award.


Among Rider NMUN alumni who have kept us informed, the largest professional group is lawyers, over 50 (to be revised in August 2017) known ones, including partners, prosecutors, and judges. There are perhaps many still in law schools. There are six known holders of Master's degrees, two Ph.D.s; three Vice Presidents of large banks, and several owners of their own companies. An effort was made to collect data for a voluntary directory of NMUN members for our 35th anniversary homecoming on October 12, 2002. With the help of Dr. Franz, Dr. Phan, and the Alumni Office, a more accurate count will be available by the end of August 2017).

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