Model United Nations
"Together we aspire, together we achieve"
1999 Rider NMUN Team
Our 32nd Year

Evaluation of the 1999 Rider NMUN Experience
Nargis Afzal

National Model United Nations is one experience I will never forget. I’ve been in other situations where I’ve debated topics and have analyzed positions but NMUN has beat them all.  The intense drive to create resolutions with other countries has taught me about the way the world really works and how I need to better myself to deal with it.  In addition to the academic benefits and prestige it offers, NMUN has given me a new family at Rider.  Teammates I hardly knew became wonderful colleagues and companions.  Overall this is an experience where the team motto rings true: "Together we aspire, together we achieve."  I can’t wait till next year!

To the 1999 Rider NMUN Team evaluations